ARMSLIST is a free to browse, local classified site for listing hand guns, pistols, rifles, shotguns, ammunition, archery, and hunting equipment. We created this site to allow people to find buyers and sellers in their local community and not have to pay fees to list their stuff. We wanted the site to be simple, easy to use, and non-intrusive, but specifically for buying, selling, and trading guns!

ARMSLIST became active in January of 2009.

ARMSLIST was created by a number of gun owning and gun loving Americans after seeing firsthand how the popular marketplace sites on the Internet shun firearms. We appreciate all the help and support that everyone has given us and hope for continued success of the site!

ARMSLIST is currently running on the ASP.NET MVC 3 Framework and MySQL server. ARMSLIST is hosted in the cloud on an Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing instance.


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