Brand new never handled or displayed, pick up in store and we will do all your form 4's including prints ( you supply 2 passport photos ) and file immediately!

What started out as mild plastic surgery for some in-line improvements to the Wolf-9SD ended up turning into an entirely new beast. Enter the Wolfman: lighter,quieter and more versatile. The solid-wielded core means it's still optimized for your full auto 9mm subgun, but also perfect for 9mm PCC's, .300 BLK (subs and super), the newly beloved 9x39 and even your 7.62x39. Since its compatible with Wolf-9SD and Ghost-M mounts and pistons, not only are your host opportunities and wide open, the mounts are readily available. The Wolfman ships with a 1/2x28 direct thread mount and features a wipe compatible from cap (tool included). Wipes are user replaceable with common available rubber washer sizes.