Factory Original CZ MAGWELLS
 - will fit CZ 75, CZ 75B, CZ 75 Tactical, CZ 75 SO-01, CZ Shadow 2 and 1, CZ tactical Sport, Cz Czechmate

Please Check our web site for current stock of models and colors.
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NOTE: We also carry rare SIG pistols:  Several other X-Series Mastershop ARRIVING from Germany on regular basis:

  • X-6 Skeleton
  • X-6 Classic
  • X5-Open
  • X-6 PPC
  • X-5 Black & White
  • X5 Short
  • X5/X6 Chrome & Carbon
  • X5 and X6 Complete exchange kits (slide, barrel, 2 magazines, case, Test traget - in 9mm and X6 22LR kit)
  • X5 OPEN barrles with compensators
  • X-mounts for red dots

Contact us at Armory Craft or call REDACTED for more information.

Please note that Armory Craft was the FIRST & ORIGINAL COMPANY to introduce SIG P220, P226, P227, P228, P229 DA/SA flat triggers that are adjustable for pretravel and overtravel. You can purchase them here on ARMSLIST  - Please click HERE.

Thank you for your interest.


Your source for SIG Sauer Mastershop X5/6 pistols, SIG Sauer flat adjustable triggers and factory CZ 75 CZUB accessories! 

Any questions? 
Please call: REDACTED