For Sale: Cyclone Dagger

Cyclone Dagger is a handy tool for any outdoorsman. It has several advantages over traditional knives, including a curved cutting edge to stay sharp indefinitely and prevent accidental deep cuts on the user. Additionally, its lightweight frame allows for comfortable wearing while camping or hunting. Shifting to a different grip further promotes versatility by allowing the user to maneuver in tight spaces while maintaining control of the dagger. Overall, a cyclone dagger is an ideal choice for anyone looking for a reliable and multi-functional tool to take on their next expedition. Swimmers also use it for their safety from big animals like sharks etc.

  • Uniquely handmade.
  • Cyclone Dagger
  • Available in Damascus steel only
  • Lifetime Warranty
  • Made in the USA
  • Blade Length-5in| Handle Length-4.5in| Whole Length-9.5in| Blade Width-0.8in| Handle Width-1in| weight- 1.15lbs


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