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Holosun 507C - Review
created: 1/21/2020 8:42 PM in GEAR

Holosun 507c Micro Red Dot Sight - Review

I've always been a bit of an optics snob, sticking with the tried and true (and pricey) likes of Aimpoint, EOTech, and Trijicon when it comes to red dots.  That being said, I've been more and more impressed by Holosun's optics, and jumped at the chance to review their 507c when Optics Planet offered to send it over. 

Here are some of it's key features according to Optics Planet:

  • Multi-reticle System
  • Up to 100,000 hour battery life
  • Shake Awake Technology
  • Included picattiny rail adapter and battery tool
  • Solar-fail safe back up
  • CNC Machined with 7075 aluminum housing

To be completely honest, I've had fairly limited experience with the multitude of miniature red dot sight (MRDS) offerings.  I've looked down the Sig Romeo series, didn't feel too durable to me.  The Vortex seemed decent enough for the money, especially given it's lifetime warranty.  For my money though, the only MRDS that I've felt was trust-your-life-to-it durable (other than the new Aimpoint on that soon), has been the Trijicon RMR.  It currently resides on my Gen 3 G19 on a Raven Concealment Balor RDS mount.

The 507c seems to be quite durable, and brags a battery life of up to 100,000 hours.  The shake awake works great, definitely a neat feature.  To do a mild test of durability, I mounted the 507c on my Remington 870 and set the optic to the 32 MOA circle with 2 MOA dot.  

After some simulated drops, and about 500 rounds of buckshot, it was still humming right along so I decided to move it to my M17 that I had recently purchased an RMR adapter for.  On the pistol, I found it a lot tougher to find the 2 MOA dot than on my Trijicon RMR with 3.25 MOA dot.  The reticle seemed to begin to wash for me near the edges of the window, causing an almost odd glare across the glass.  This was alleviated greatly when trying the 32 MOA circle with 2 MOA dot.  I also felt that when presenting the pistol, the dot was more difficult to find on the Holosun than the Trijicon (also alleviated with the 32 MOA circle and the 2 MOA dot).  While the windows look to be the exact same size between the RMR and the 507c, for some reason the RMR's feels bigger to me even after putting nearly 500 rounds through the M17 with the 507c mounted on top.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the little Holosun, especially given the pricepoint of about half an RMR.  I can definitely say I would recommend it for range use and light home defense use, especially with the 32 MOA circle with 2 MOA dot.  The circle-dot reticle on the MRDS completely changed the game for me.  I found myself shooting much more accurately wishing that other manufacturers like Trijicon would put a circle and dot type reticle in their MRDSs.  

Be sure to get yours at Optics Planet here: and use code "Armslist" for 5% off your entire order!


created: 1/21/2020 8:42 PM in GEAR


commented on 03/29/2020 02:52 AM

I’m telling you that Holosun has just defied the logic of Chinese made optics are not any good. I ran trij and aimpoint for 16 years because of gov funding (before 2008 and after 2016! Always looked down on them because of the “made in China” scare. But, I ran across a deal on “don’t laugh” hi-point carbine (just because I wanted a kick around 10mm. The guy sold it to me for $140 buck and it came with a Holosun HS403B and I put a magnifier behind it. Well, I WAS SO impressed that I have put my name on them. And, would go into battle anytime and feel 100 about it. I’ve since purchased more! I’ve also cut down the hi point and polished the trigger linkage and a few other internal upgrades. Put magpul furniture with m-lock fore grip. Plus a pretty conservative muzzle break and took all of the ugly sights and bulkiness out. Also put a rail with surefire fury tac lite and magpul bipod. Annnnnnnd, it’s one of my main defense rifles while purchasing the redball 20 rd mags and am purchasing the drum. The dead gun thing will run with guns that run a grand or two more. The Holosun optic is unbelievable crisp and (to my eye) has the perfect dot!!! So, I’ll post pics of the rig and I’ll continue to run it until my boy steals it from me. But, I love my CMMG’s too tho (mutant, and bunches) with Holosun red dots.


commented on 03/10/2020 12:04 PM

Ive had four 507C mounted on a CZ SP-01 Shadow, with a 11lb recoil spring, which was used in USPSA competition. The first three had cracked glass after about 1000 rds. I then when back to OFM spring and that seemed to cure the glass problem, I don't know it the recoil was to heavy , but I didn't want chance it , so I sold it and bought an Trijion SPO. Must say that Holosun was great about it and replace every damaged unit in that six month period with no questions asked


commented on 02/09/2020 11:17 PM

"light home defense use" ... Trying to define " light' v. 'heavy' home defense use" in my head. Home invasion vs. arrival of an occupying force? A CCW class vs. Vehicle Elements Theory with instructor Chris Costa? I have my first Trijicon RMR 9 moa (on a PPQ Q5 Match). I have been slowly training myself to look at the target and push out to "see the dot". Muscle memory takes a long time to develop. Many times the dots is not there and I find myself hunting up from the fixed red front fiber-optic. I like the circle with the sharp dot reticle on the Holoson and esp. the price point. I would actually consider this optic -- among others in this price point -- for a G17 carry gun. Perhaps not on the pistol I am going to for "heavy home defense". :) Love ya.


commented on 02/06/2020 10:42 AM

Is that M17 Mount to?

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