Steyr M9/S9-a1 Pistols: As Good as a Glock?
created: 12/14/2017 5:13 PM in GEAR
created: 12/14/2017 5:13 PM in GEAR


commented on 02/11/2018 03:47 PM

If anyone has any reservation about this handgun, all they need to do is handle it for a minute. Draw it fast and see how it naturally aligns, points and acquires the target. That alone was enough for me, once i bought it and shot it, it was even better.


commented on 02/04/2018 10:53 AM

Actually...the best striker fired firearm in the industry!


commented on 02/04/2018 10:52 AM

IMO...better than a Glock!


commented on 01/03/2018 09:19 PM

Thanks for the tutorial on the steyr I love my S9A1.I sold my glock 26 and are keeping the Steyr

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