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Another Anti-Gun Financial Institution
created: 8/3/2016 4:25 PM in NEWS

Armslist was recently tagged in a Facebook post by our renowned industry partner Hogue Inc, who stated that Wells Fargo refused to do business with them on the basis that they manufacture "weapons."  The offensive weapons?  Hogue's line of knives (they're pretty nice too, definitely check them out if you're in the market.)

In solidarity with Hogue, and the rest of the firearms industry, we ask that you or anyone you may know who is a supporter of the right to keep and bear arms discontinue doing business with Wells Fargo, and that prospective Wells Fargo customers refuse to do business with them. 

What follows is the statement from Hogue's Facebook page:

"THIS JUST IN: We were just informed that Wells Fargo Bank would not do business with us, refusing to provide their services based on the fact that we manufacture "weapons" (aka knives). Incredibly, this refusal came after THEY initially pursued us to gain our business. Once we had decided to go with Wells Fargo, they then pulled the plug saying they could not provide their services since we manufacture weapons...Needless to say, we are shocked and confused - considering their logo is a stagecoach and driver with a shotgun too! We felt we needed to inform the firearm and knife community of this discriminatory stance Wells Fargo has taken..."
created: 8/3/2016 4:25 PM in NEWS


commented on 10/28/2016 11:27 PM

If it wasn't for the knife, the gun, and the men willing to use them, Wells Fargo wouldn't exist. Never would have survived the west.


commented on 10/08/2016 01:48 PM

Someone stated that Well Fargo is the only bank in town that doesn't have a "No Guns" sticker on there door. Well just to be clear, federal law says you cant carry a firearm into a financial institution. So they don't need a sticker. As for the Bank itself, their a bunch of criminals. Right down to my local branch in Fuquay Varina, North Carolina, and I hope they read this to the entire staff. Bank Of America isn't perfect, but they follow the law. That's all I can ask.


commented on 09/11/2016 09:37 AM

Considering wells fargo's history, both past and present, in defrauding their customers, I don't know why Hogue or any other business, or individual, would ever consider doing business with them. Wells Fargo is little more than a despicable collection of liars and thieves, and you deal with them at your peril.

andy vanGroningen

commented on 09/09/2016 12:59 AM

Hmmm, a company that has a stage coach for a logo and needs protection by armed guards won't take money from a legitimate company that legally manufacturers knives, rifle stocks and survival gear. WHAT A JOKE. This from a company that just got busted for letting their employees steal money from account holders. Placing this money into fictitious accounts.


commented on 09/04/2016 10:55 PM

always there will be the human element involved. Never can tell what (mood) someone will do when their brain passes wind. next the guards will not be allowed to have guns and will have to call the police when they get robbed. The EX-F01 is a great knife! one of many in the Hogue line. Wells Fargo. get a grip


commented on 09/04/2016 12:58 PM

I wouldn't start closing accounts just because of an incident.. Just go else where..?.. I support gun rights as I have many myself.. Are we falling into today's crybaby ways.. Or just moving on as adults would..


commented on 08/20/2016 06:43 PM

Closing my account there on my next day off, and letting them know why.


commented on 08/17/2016 02:29 PM

WF is the ONLY bank in my town that does not have a no weapons or firearms sign. They still get my business over the others.


commented on 08/13/2016 10:58 AM

NO chance they will ever get any of my business!


commented on 08/10/2016 06:44 AM

Read Amend2's response. Seems like a reasonable explanation. Perhaps the OP should have done a little more research. If a company is truly left wing, anti-police or anti-gun then they will lose my support and business. Unfortunately, there are enough of these companies out there that I see no need to slander a company that does not fit into those categories. My .02


commented on 08/09/2016 08:53 AM

Seems like if a baker must make cakes for anyone in the public, there's an easy court victory for this -- particularly since there are probably a dozen bakers in any given city and there is essentially a national oligopoly on financial services.


commented on 08/07/2016 08:51 PM

operation choke point


commented on 08/06/2016 12:05 PM

So Craig mentions retail, which is ok, but manufacture isnt? Seems like another liberal mental disconnect from a intelligent reality.


commented on 08/05/2016 03:44 PM

Dear Armslist, I read the post regarding Wells Fargo and decided to reach out to WF regarding that specific statement : We were just informed that Wells Fargo Bank would not do business with us, refusing to provide their services based on the fact that we manufacture "weapons" (aka knives) Today, 5 August 2016, I received a response from WF after posing that question to Wells Fargo: "We were just informed that Wells Fargo Bank would not do business with us, refusing to provide their services based on the fact that we manufacture "weapons" (aka knives)". I am a Wells Fargo customer and have no other affiliation with them other than a customer. If the claim was true, I would have closed several accounts with WF however the claim appears to false. Shown below is the response from Wells Fargo received today 8/5/16: Dear Steven: Thank you for contacting Wells Fargo. My name is Craig, and it is my pleasure to assist you today. I received your email regarding a recent news item you read on FaceBook. I appreciate this opportunity to address your concerns. For reasons of customer confidentiality, I am not able to provide you with information about specific customers. I can tell you that Wells Fargo provides banking and credit-card processing services to brick-and-mortar retailers that sell weapons, firearms, related accessories, and ammunition. We are not able to offer these services to online merchants selling these products, in keeping with our risk policies. I hope you find this information helpful. On behalf of Wells Fargo, thank you for your business. We are happy to have you as our customer and appreciate the opportunity to assist you today. Sincerely, Craig W Wells Fargo Online Customer Service -------------------------------------------------- Respectfully submitted.


commented on 08/05/2016 09:32 AM

There is nothing illegal about owning a gun or knife business. I can understand companies that sell pot not being able to open an account. Plus, does WF actually think that Hogue is going to go out and advertise who they bank with?


commented on 08/04/2016 08:31 PM

A year and a half ago I went to US Bank where I had a personal and a business account to get a second business account for my FFL business. Since the name of my business was gun related, they asked the nature of the business. The customer service manager and branch manager disappeared in the back room for 45 minutes, and then they returned and said they wouldn't open a "gun" business account for me?? At least Wells Fargo would let me have a business account, but I went elsewhere for my business. I didn't attempt to get a CC account at WF like Hogue did.


commented on 08/04/2016 03:56 PM

put a facebook [F] post link on this article so that we can spread the word... Thank you GMK


commented on 08/03/2016 11:45 PM

looks like im looking for a new bank then


commented on 08/03/2016 10:06 PM

They have committed a Hate Crime against Hogue. So I suppose we can turn away others that have a stance we don't agree with. Say.....Homosexuals, Blacks, Communists, Liberals ? etc. This is absurd. We need to fight back.

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