The Second Amendment Lobby Day/Rally on January 20, 2020 was a resounding success. As it turns out, it was a collection of American patriots of all races, creeds, religions and lifestyles that came together in support of their God given rights to keep and bear arms in a peaceful display of solidarity. As an attendee, I was proud of my fellow Virginians and citizens from around the county who came on their own time to make a statement of peaceful discourse to our State government’s Constitutional over reach of power.
What is was not was a White Nationalist/Racists convention with itchy trigger fingers that would turn into chaos and mass murder as the main stream media and The Virginia Governor would have you believe. I can assure you it was not anything Governor Northam did that prevented any tragedies, it was the good law abiding gun owners from Virginia and around the country that was the true reason it was a peaceful protest. I can guarantee if Governor Northam did nothing it would have been the same outcome, but yet he saw it fit to spend a bunch of taxpayer money for nothing.
The main stream media coverage of this event was appalling, but yet not unexpected. As it turned out to be on Martin Luther King Day, it was a true testament to his dream of equality and civil rights. Make no mistake, gun ownership is a civil right and it SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.
Bob Lambert
Toano, Virginia
commented on 03/22/2021 02:02 AM
We need a 2a rally up here in Mass!
commented on 12/11/2020 06:35 PM
commented on 12/11/2020 06:35 PM
commented on 11/17/2020 01:46 PM
commented on 10/23/2020 10:35 AM
commented on 01/31/2020 03:56 PM
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