Excellent condition - revolver - 6" rnd, ribbed, and fully shrouded ejector rod barrel - smooth walnut combat style grips with a cartridge spent case medallion: grips are in Very Good condition with slight wear to edges of grip - blue - retains about 97% with loss to muzzle and sharp edges and visible slight cylinder drag - Markings: crisp & legible - Sights: red ramp on ramp front sight with red insert/adjustable white outline micrometer click rear sight - A.K.A ".41 Magnum target"- double action- built on square butt N target frame- wide serrated trigger- wide checkered hammer- 6 shot fluted cylinder- 10 groove backstrap and forestrap- Excellent mirror like bore, appears fired very little, if at all - mechanics appear in good working order - Yr. Mfg.: 1986 -
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