The Basic machine includes the following:
- 1 Square Deal B reloading machine
- 1 powder measure with large and small powder bars (small installed). The small bar throws from 2.1 to 15 grains of powder. The large bar throws from 15 to 60 grains of powder
- 1 priming system with large and small priming parts
- 1 early warning buzzer and rod for primer system
- 1 packet of primer tubes containing: 1 large primer pickup tube, 1 small primer pickup tube, and 1 magazine tube
- 1 primer slide assembly
- 1 powder measure failsafe rod assembly with bracket (13355)
- 3 locator buttons
- 1 toolhead
- 1 powder die
- 1 caliber conversion kit
- 1 set of carbide dies (except for 44/40, which uses steel dies)
- 1 spent primer cup with bracket and screws.
- 1 loaded cartridge chute with screws and a plastic bin
- 1 written instruction manual