GREEN TIP 62 grain GI type SS109 US M855 hardened steel penetrator 5.56 rounds in 420 CAN WITH STRIPPER CLIPS, these are not factory seconds, they are the real deal. If you have a M16 or AR type GI spoon/charger ( less than $10 surplus ), they will load off the stripper clips right into your 30 GI type only mags, just like the military. Made in the USA, it doesn't really get better than this. I would consider this "special ammo" not cheap plinker rounds, but that is up to you. Not alot to sell, but a must for someone looking to make their AR15 or M16 perform with military ammo. No limits, buy a can or all of it available. Might be a good idea to put a few boxes away, considering whats going on and the elections in November. $239 a can while it lasts, I ship where legal. If you keep your brass, you can reload it after your done shooting it. Ammo comes on stripper clips, stock photo of M855 loose is for reference. 18 year of age or older to purchase for rifles use / if used in a pistol you must be 21 years old or older to purchase. Credit cards accepted with a 2.99% fee. Sales tax on all sales, stock and prices subject to change without notice. NOT FOR SALE WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. 7 DAY A WEEK PHONE INFORMATION HOTLINE 52O 790 5017.