This listing is for a used Weatherby Mark V Accumark with a Zeiss 3-12 x 56 Diavari V scope.
Introduced in 1995. Features Mark V Magnum action. Trigger preset at factory for 3.5 lbs. of pull. Fully adjustable for sear engagement at let-off weight. Action metal black oxide coated, with bead blast matte finish. Stainless steel barrel 26" in length, with low luster brushed finish. Weight about 8 lbs. Offered in all Weatherby calibers from .240 to .340 Wby. Magnum, plus 7mm Rem. Magnum, 7mm STW and .300 Win. Magnum.
FFL to FFL Only.
Price reflects a 3% discount for cash, personal check, or USPS money order. 3% will be added for credit card purchases.
8-1/2% sales tax will be added for all deliveries within Florida.
It is your responsibility to know the laws of your state and local municipality regarding firearms.
Shipping is $45.00 flat rate via Fed-Ex ground. Insurance is not included, but highly recommended. Actual cost of insurance will be added to the total, if requested.