ATI Model Nomad 20 Gauge Shotgun - SN 20SB19-003403

Checkered Synthetic Stock and Forend - 3" Chamber - Break Open Action - Bead Front Sight - Many American hunters will recall that their first time in the field hunting was with a single shot shotgun. Get back to the unique challenge of single shot hunting with American Tactical's shotgun, and you'll find it is still as much fun today as it was back in the day. This is a classic exposed hammer, break action shotgun, full and compact lengths available, black synthetic stock and high gloss black finish. Also home defense eBay to train someone on and has safety!!

Up for bidding on online auction. View price and bid now at
As of 8/10/2020, current bid price was $57.
Click on the link above to view current asking price. Online auction ends August 26.

Shipping available. Must ship to FFL.