For sale- PSAK-47 GF3 AKM clone

- Like new in the box  
- 7.62 x 39
- Black Poly furniture    
- (1) 30-Round PMAG
- Shipped as a "Blem" from Palmetto State Armory.  The only defect we have been able to find during our inspection has been a slight rub on the front sight hood.  It otherwise appears as-new in excellent condition.  This is a quality US-made rifle with features you won't find on many AKM clones (bayonet lug, optic mount).  If you are unfamiliar with these rifles, please see the great review below:

We will handle the transfer to a local buyer at no additional cost.  We can also ship to the licensed FFL of your choice (buyer pays shipping).  $975 +10% sales tax (Washington buyers).  There will also be a $18 state SAR fee for Washington buyers.  If you do not have the state required I-1639 training, X-Ring Arms has you covered.  All local/state/federal laws apply.  No sales where prohibited, no trades.  Facebook / X-Ring Arms.