Here is a cool, hefty 12 ga lever action shotgun. You just don't come across many of these. It was manufactured by Zhong Zhou Machine Works, China and imported by Century Arms. Model PW87. All of the bluing and wood are in great shape. It has a 20" barrel with a bright, shiny bore. 13.5" LOP. It has a 5+1 shell magazine tube. Great for home defence or around the farm. Plus, it has a nice Terminator 2 vibe (ThinkWinchester Model 1887 at a fraction of the cost). 

A TBI background check will be required for the purchase of this gun. Feel free to email questions or call (six15) three53-9803 during the day. 6305 Charlotte Pike Nashville Tn 37209. Open 10-6 Mon-Fri, 10-5 Sat. We are a liensed FFL.