Imported into the United States from Romanian by Century Arms. DRACO brand line of AK47 type pistols, the almost half the barrel size of the DRACO 12.25 inch barrel, MINI DRACO 7.75 inch barrel this one fires 7.62x39mm rifle ammo out to the mini sized barrel 7.75 inch barrel, the brother of the Micro Draco. If you want a flame thrower for muzzle flash, this should do it. Great build, super high quality on military type marked X X Y AK type receivers. Manufactured by Cugir firearms plant is deep in history dating back to 1799. From armored vehicles, rockets and grenades, they become experts in weapons and provide firearms that are tried and true, that will last with very high quality manufacturing. Whether your a collector, target shooter or just looking for a very unique firearm that will turn heads at the range and ask you what is that thing this could be the one. Also to keep in mind, Romania shares the boarder with the Ukraine and there is lot of unrest in that part of the world. I would image that imports of firearms are already difficult in that region, much less to say how bad it might be to continue with exporting firearms when the country next to you is in a war. Plus, how much resources would be set aside for America pistol production at the plant, when resources for war time productions are needed. All in All with all firearms that are imported, a simple government policy changes can prohibit any importation, sometimes in the same day the prohibition is made. Sales tax only collected for residents of Arizona. CREDIT CARD accepted 2.99% for non cash processing. Stock and pricing subject to change without notice. WE ARE A BRICK AND MORTAR STORE, 7 DAY A WEEK PHONE INFORMATION HOTLINE 52O 790 5017.