NEW IN THE BOX ROSSI R92 CARBINE 44MAGNUM 20'' 10+1RDS BLACK WITH WOOD FURNITURE.  MODEL# 920442013  UPC# REDACTED21  We are small Gun Shop in Columbia, Kentucky  L&N Firearms  Store Hours are Monday thru Friday 7AM to 5PM and Saturday 7AM to 12PM Central Time. Please call REDACTED or text REDACTED with any questions or concerns. 3% CREDIT/DEBIT CARD PROCESSING FEES

No rifle does classic American styling and swift, light handling like Rossi's legendary R92. Built on the proven model 92 lever action. The Rossi R92 combines a traditional hardwood stock with blued finish to deliver a big-bore rifle suitable for the backwoods or the back forty. Adjustable rear buckhorn sight, an elegant classic wood profile, and an exquisitely smooth-cycling action prove that contemporary engineering can pair seamlessly with time-honored craftsmanship and design.