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For Sale: LLama Model III-a, .380ACP

$ 400
Even though they've ceased operation, LLama pistols have a cult following amongst devotees.  The Model III's are similar to a Colt Defender...a .380ACP version of a 1911-style pistol.  

This Llama came into the shop for appraisal before consignment, but after initial inspection, we found that the firing pin was broken.  This is fairly common for LLamas, so there are a few specialitiy shops who make high-quality replacement parts.  Of course, we kept the original part for the collectors out there and function-checked the pistol.

The only missing part is the lack of a front sight.  After about 3 hours of Internet searching down "dark alleys and behind convenience stores", we came up without a suitable replacement being available, but this is more of a collector's piece anyways.

Come by and see the inventory of SoonerTactical at the range located within American Armory & Tactical, 1038 N Flood Ave, Norman, OK 73069.  Wednesdays thru Sundays or call REDACTED for more information!
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SoonerTactical, LLC.

Registered on 10/19/2010

Armslist Store

$ 60



  • CATEGORY Handguns
  • Manufacturer Llama
  • Caliber 380 ACP
  • Action Semi-Automatic
  • Firearm Type Pistol


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