Registration Cost:
$90.00 per single student registration
$80.00 for public service affiliation (Military, First Responder, Healthcare Provider, Teachers)
$150.00 “Bring a Friend” discount (2 or more people paying/registering at the same time, $75.00 each)
This includes the textbook, certificate, and targets.
Private Classes Available: Click Here
Students are required to supply their own:
Hearing Protection (I have limited amounts available if needed)
Eye Protection (I have limited amounts available if needed)
Handgun (rentals available)
Holster **no carrying in hand will be allowed**
Magazines (Speed loaders for revolvers are optional)
30 rounds of ammunition for qualification (per attempt)
40 rounds of ammunition for experienced shooters performing pre-qualification only, if approved (one attempt)
Extra rounds of ammunition for practice as desired
Snacks/Lunch (class will break for 30 minutes for lunch)
Weather appropriate attire, we shoot rain or shine (except lightning)
Lesson Purpose:
The purpose of this block of instruction is to explain to the student the aspects of the North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun law as it applies to the rights of the citizen to carry a concealed handgun and to teach and apply the fundamentals of safety and basic marksmanship fundamentals.
Hours: Minimum of 8 hours of instruction + Handgun Qualification (1-2 hours)
Training Objectives:
At the end of this block of instruction, the student will be able to perform the following objectives in accordance with the information received during the instructional period.
1. Demonstrate proficiency in the safe handling of the handgun to include loading, unloading, storing, or securing, and firing the handgun.
2. Identify the places that handguns may not be carried even if the individual has a Concealed Carry Handgun permit.
3. Identify the major parts of the revolver or semiautomatic pistol.
4. Demonstrate proficiency in marksmanship fundamentals.
5. Explain the provisions under North Carolina Common and Statutory Law in which the use of deadly physical force would be justifiable.

Concealed Carry – Handgun Proficiency – Course of Fire – Standard Qualification
The following is a 30 round handgun proficiency test using the silhouette target (NCJA B-27) shown above. The shooter must score a 70%.
Three (3) Yard Line – 10 Rounds
Fire five rounds from the ready position
Fire five rounds from the holster
Five (5) Yard Line – 10 Rounds
Fire five rounds from the ready position
Fire five rounds from the holster
Seven (7) Yard Line – 10 Rounds
Fire five rounds from the ready position
Fire five rounds from the holster