If you are a gun owner, but understand the legal liability of firing your weapon outside your home, then you know that a form of less-lethal defense can be an optional choice. If you don't like guns, but understand the need to protect yourself and your family, then now you have a product that gives you the firepower of a gun, but not the lethal result or liability associated with a firearm.

The FIRESTORM JPX 6 Pepper Spray Gun has a patented propulsion system launches a high grade Oleoresin Capsicum pepper resin solution faster than an any pepper spray and up to half the speed of a bullet at 590 fps. OC oleoresin capsicum irritant agent and its effects in conjunction with Jet Protector Technology Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) is an extract of the cayenne pepper plant. OC is the most effective inflammatory agent available today, and is successfully used by law enforcement professionals around the world. OC has proven superior to both CS and CN tear gas when used against assailants under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as well as against psychotics. The inflammatory agent fired from the Jet Protector products is immediately effective upon contact with the face of an aggressor. The high velocity of the liquid jet as well as the inflammatory effects of the OC agent instantly interrupt forward movement. The OC works rapidly as an inflammatory agent to the eyes, mucous membranes and respiratory system. The result is temporary blindness, coughing and nausea with extreme discomfort. The eyes of the aggressor immediately shut, and the high velocity of the jet ensures that the agent will penetrate behind eye glasses, through cloth masks and other masks with eye openings. This temporary blindness leads to instant incapacitation and can last for about 45-60 minutes. Symptoms will disappear, usually with no after-effects.


1 FIRESTORM JPX 6 Pepper Gun Black 

1  Set of OC Cartridges

1 Plastic Gun Case