Gosh it's HOT! Here at MLS Arms, we know it's no fun to go out to the range these days and shoot with these temperatures but we know you still want to scratch that itch and do some shooting, keep up with practice etc. So until the temps cool down, we're running a virtual shooting special! Until August 31st, for $20/person, you'll get up to 30 minutes on our simulator which is enough time for about 8 practical shooting scenarios (extra fees apply if you want to use the CO2 recoiling weapons).

Check out this video showing one of the courses: https://youtu.be/DyytHDXVvCg

Sure it's fun to play first person shooter games on your computer. But "REAL fun" is when you can play shooter games, compete, and keep score when your are UP AND ABOUT-MOVING AROUND and watching reactive targets as you hold a simulated pistol! . You can move this to an even higher level, with your significant other, or Best Friend, or Sibling, standing alongside you, and competing against you.

Our Laser simulation system is up and running, and it is a hoot to shoot it. For a little extra, you can use a Glock Or AR that is set up to recoil like an actual gun, using CO2, then get the ACTUAL feel of the shooting experience-without the ammo!

The regular pricing for one person is $40 for 8 Scenarios, which takes about 20-30 minutes. It is an extra $20 to use the CO2 operating recoil system weapons.