Hello. We have a new F1 Firearms (Recently acquired Watchtower Firearms located in Spring, TX) FDR-15 16 inch AR-15 Rifle Chambered in 5.56 so it also shoots .223. This is a unique style AR15 where they realized they didn't need to put a forward assist and dust cover on guns that aren't being used in "harsh environments" such as mud/ponds/etc. So to save money, they cut out extra expense items and got a very nice rifle at a budget price. Comes with (1) 30+1 magazine and the box, papers, lock, etc. Super cool Value AR15! We have 5.56 brass ammo starting at .60 a round and .223 brass ammo starting and .45 a round. We also carry a variety of Holosun Red/Green dots! Check it out!