Contact: 520-682-3222, [email protected] 

We offer a full service suppressor experience.  We have the latest and greatest fingerprint scanner. We will help you complete all neccessary suppressor papwerork and fingerprints in about 30 mins.  We can also do the paperwork through Silencer Shop if you are already setup with them.   Approval times are at an all time low.  Now is the time to buy a suprressor.

Adapt to nearly any shooting scenario with the SilencerCo Omega 300.

Combining high-end materials like titanium, stainless steel, and Stellite with a versatile design, the Omega 300 delivers exceptional sound suppression and durability. Its iconic anchor brake drastically reduces recoil to provide an excellent shooting experience whether you're hunting, long-range shooting, or plinking at the range. Engineered for excellence, this suppressor offers a blend of durability, performance, and cross-caliber compatibility that allows it to shine in a variety of roles. Rated for .223/5.56 and 30 ciber cartridges up to 300 WinMag.