Incredibly rare US made Vietnam era 7.62x39 with a "sanitized" headstamp (no headstamp). This lot came from a Vietnam veteran's estate, and is quite the rare ammo jackpot! According to the Vietnam veteran, the US, specifically MAC/SOG special forces operated outside the borders of Vietnam in Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand (he told us they would frequently go on search and destroy missions along the Ho Chi Minh trail but would get lost because they woudl run out of map), which of course was not supposed to happen, so the US needed plausible deniability of involvement, which is where this ammunition comes into play. Apparently special forces were issued AK-47's, loaded their magazines prior to leaving for their mission, and did not wear dog tags or carry any other items that could tie them to the US military, so in the event of an ambush, there would be no hard proof that they were American.

The boxes that this ammunition came in would be left behind before leaving for the mission, which only left headstamp-less cartridges and casings in the bordering countries. This ammunition is not to be confused with the Vietnam era booby trapped ammo that was intended to sabotage NVA and Viet Cong. The booby trapped ammo came sealed in metal tins and was never intended to be used by US forces. This ammunition is an incredible find and quantities are very limited, with no ability to re stock!