For sale- Ruger GP100 revolver 

*If the listing is still up, it's still available*

"Is it still available?" emails/texts will be ignored

- Good condition, with some cosmetic scratches & scuffs
- Rugged, heavy duty revolver chambered in mighty .357 Magnum
- Stainless model with a 4" barrel
- 6 shot cylinder
- Double / single action
- Shrouded ejector rod 
- Adjustable sights 
- Recoil absorbing rubber grips 
- Please see our Facebook page for more photos 
- Local customers add $18 for the state required background check fee

$25 shipping available to the licensed FFL of your choice.  All local/state/federal laws apply.  No sales where prohibited. No trades, offers, or layawaysTwo*5*three*3*seven*0*five*5*eight*9 

Phone/text- (253) 370-5589
Email- [email protected]
X-Ring Arms