I have one NIB PTR Vent 2 9mm available.
1,425.00 shipped - cash or card
Online ordering link https://www.goingquiet.com/suppressors-nfa/suppressors70/ptr-industries-vent-2-suppressor-76-9mm-pvd-finish-black-direct-thread-1125x28-includes-12x28-direct-thread-adaptor-titanium-construction-5019535
Frequently asked questions:
Q: Is this really in stock? A: Yes it is.
Q: I don't believe you, these are out of stock everywhere. Are they really in stock? A: Yes. If you're reading this it's in stock.
Q: I still don't believe you. How do I know you are for real and this isn't a scam? A: Email me and tell me you don't believe me there is no way I've got this in stock + a good time of day. I will then schedule you on my calendar, give you the address of my Melbourne business, you can come in and look at the item in person and if you are fully convinced that I actually have what I am selling and you want we can do e forms if you have your act together right on the spot.
Q: You must have dealt with this before. A: Yes.