Here's a "oldie" but a goodie. This is a Sturm Ruger Single Six. Six shot single action .22 Revolver. Three screw model. Circa 1962.  Only .22 LR. Cylinder.

    This is a real shooter. Cosmetically not the prettiest, but i can see why a real shooter would do this to a Pistol.  You got to see this. 

 This old boy shaved each  side  of the rear sight.  I guess to to keep it smooth. ( because they do stick out) But it looks like shit. But its perfect. 

Anyways.....  It's worth lookin at. So come see this vintage .22 single action revolver. Along with several other desireable Firearms at:

                                                                                FRESNO HOCK SHOPPE

                                                                               3235 E BELMONT AVE FRESNO CA 93702


                                                                                                  (559) 264-5856