M3HB Semi Auto 50BMG. Comes with headspace & Timing Welcome to Black Label Firearms LLC . We sell , Service and Build guns and ammo form standard guns to NFA weapons as well. At Black Label we strive to give you the best service and price we possibly can. We want you to be a part of our family. No purchase to small or dream to big.
Did you buy a parts kit and are in over your head . Send it to us. Perfect for aircraft restoration or military vehicle. Available in an M2HB configuration
We sell products such as but not limited to Glock, Sprinfield Armory, Sig Sauer, Taurus, Diamondback, Bushmaster, DPMS Panther Arms, Galco, Blackhawk, Desantis, Kimber, Sig Tac, Vector Optics, Leupold , Ruger , Aimpoint , Wolf, Federal , bulk ammo , powder , primer , streamlight , tazer , Noreen firearms , pws , magpul , ergo , dpms , eotech , ptr , FN , FAL ,Armalight , spikes tactical , noveski , Yugo , Ak , Sks , Remmington , Browning , Bushmaster , SCAR , Ar -10 , Ar -15 , Betta mags , mg 42 , mg 34 , mp 40 , Smith and Wesson , Wasr -10 , KE arms , Nightforce , Schmit & Bender , Surplus ammo , Parts kits , tracer , utg , pv 14 , American eagle , Wilson combat , rcbs , black hills , used guns .
Thank you for all your support. GOD BLESS AMERICA
Aircraft restoration.