Hand made is a term used to describe a lot of things, and in my experience some of them are worthless. Others however, are special. Ferrari does not make the fastest cars, but from the moment you get in one, it’s different...Read More...
There are a few things in life that make me shake my head when people use anything but the best. Brakes, tires, and holsters are at the top of that list. It drives me nuts to see people running around on recaps, and buying cheap brakes leaves me scratching my head as to why one would be so cavalier with their life on a daily basis. The third one usually merits an eye roll and a sigh however. Carrying a gun is not a thoughtless task, it's a massive responsibility...Read More...
If you like Olight's S1R Baton II, you will most certainly like the Olight Baton 3.
Brass cleanup is something not often thought about in today’s shooting world. When was the last time you thought about your spent casings? Unless you’re a reloader, my guess is not recently. You send your rounds down range, do your best to police up your spent brass or steel, and go on your way. I personally haven’t thought much of it since the first time I picked up a spent case recently flung from an HK91 and wondering how exactly a rifle could make modern art so easily...read more...
We had a chance to spend some quality time at our range with Kalashnikov USA’s new KP-9 fitted with an SB Tactical side folding brace and a 50 round drum magazine.
Our Pistol came with an SB TACTICAL folding brace. We installed the brace provided with the gun which gave us another way to stabilize the gun and still allow for a compact package for travelling and concealment in a backpack sized bag. It is a low-profile, left side-folding, strut design compatible with all platforms utilizing an M1913 interface at the rear of the receiver. The FS1913™ is a complete assembly offering pull-through opening and a solid lock-up when extended. ...Read More...
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