Short barrel shotguns, often referred to as sawed-off shotguns, have a notorious reputation in popular culture, often depicted as the weapon of choice for outlaws and criminals...Read More...
On April 19, 2024, the ATF published a rule that redefined what "engaged in the business" means. The new rule will go into effect on May 20, 2024. The ATF is changing how they regulate private-party firearms transactions.Armslist does not provide legal advice. We will continue to update this article as new information becomes available.
Read the text of the rule yourself here:
NSSF statement here:
Tactical Shit Article:
Reason Article:
By Rodger Stockton
We recently received a really cool portable shooting bench from Discount Ramps for us to try out at the range. Without having to get out any special tools to assemble the bench I was able to put it together with what they provided in about 30 minutes or so...Read More...
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