The TEC-9 pistol, often enveloped in controversy and marked by a notorious reputation, is a significant piece in the history of firearms. Developed in the mid-1980s by Swedish designer George Kellgren, the TEC-9 was initially intended as an affordable and effective open-bolt submachine gun for military use. Despite transitioning to the civilian market and reconfiguring into a semi-automatic variant, the TEC-9 maintained a fearsome image, exacerbated by its frequent appearances in the media and its association with street crimes...Read More...
Armslist has partnered with our friends at the Second Amendment Foundation to help giveaway a Desert Eagle to one lucky user who donates to the cause!
The Second Amendment Foundation has been fighting for 50 years to defend, secure and expand your Second Amendment rights. They are actively litigating over 55 cases- to include a case before the U.S. Supreme Court - Please join them in the fight by clicking below to donate and get a chance to win a Desert Eagle!
Police trade-in guns, including the venerable Remington 870 shotguns, offer a unique blend of reliability, historical value, and affordability, making them an intriguing choice for gun enthusiasts and collectors alike...Read More...
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